Make healthy fruit juice from apple, cucumber, and banana fruits. This fruit juice can also be taken in the morning as breakfast. This fruit juice contains a lot of vitamins needed in the body system. It also helps to boost our immune system and nourishes the body.
How To Prepare The Apple, Cucumber, And Banana Juice
Here are the steps to help you prepare this fantastic fruit juice. Get 2 cucumbers, 5 apples, and 5 bananas to make the fruit juice.
Items Needed For The Prepare
- An Electric Blender
- Kitchen Knife
- Sieve
- Plastic bowl/Jug
- Get all your fruits and water them properly in water and slice the banana and cucumber in separate bowls.
- Use the Orange juice squeezer to extract the orange juice inside a cup.
- Blend the cucumber using the electric blender and add a little water inside the blender to help blend it easily.
- After blending the cucumber very well, sieve the juice out inside a cup.
- Now pour the orange juice and cucumber juice extracted inside the blender, slice the banana inside, and blend them all together.
- Pour the final fruit juice into a jug or a container. It can also be refrigerated and served when cold.